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EQHT BASIC– 2 day course
With Dr. Randall Frank, Founder
(Formally known as Natural Healing)

Date:  Saturday, September 28 – Sunday, September 29


Time: Registration begins at 8:30 am.  Class begins at 9:00am and goes until 6:00pm each day.  

Location:  SpiritWay Wellness, 101 Eagle Road, Building 6; Avon, CO 81620

Cost:  $695 which includes the basic vials; $300 as a refresher course with no vials.  Receive a 10% discount by registering at least 30 days in advance and a $50 off for referring a friend that attends.  Be sure to have them list your name in the referred by section on the in-class registration form.  

Content: This is the foundation seminar for all other EQHT course work and must be taken before progressing further with the work.   In this class you will learn how to access the bodies bio-computer; check the organs and systems for imbalances and bring them back into balance; how to know when the body has had enough work; much, much, more.

Registration: Register directly on Randy's site go :

To learn more about EQHT click here or here

You must be a licensed or certified practitioner practicing in the health care field of Naturopathy, Acupuncture, Chiropractic, medical doc, nursing, have your own health care practice or be a student enrolled in an accredited college in a health care profession to take these courses.   

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