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Awakening to Your Life Purpose, Discovering Your Life Plan

 Presented by Robert Schwartz

Date:  April 24, 25, 26, 2020

Location:  EagleVail Pavilion 

Cost:  $350
Early Bird Special through December 31, 2019:  $325











Friday Evening (2. 2-5 hrs)

Rob will discuss his own spiritual path and how he came to write books about pre-birth planning. He will explain the five main reasons why we ourselves plan before we’re born to experience great challenges in life. He will then discuss in depth one or more of the stories in his books. This inspirational presentation will help you to understand the deeper spiritual purpose of your own life challenges and how you may heal negative feelings about them, transforming those feelings into acceptance, forgiveness, gratitude, and peace.



10:00 – 12:00:  Saturday morning (2 hours)

Rob will lead the group in the Divine Virtues Exercise he developed. Before we are born, we plan great challenges for ourselves in part to develop certain qualities (Divine Virtues). This exercise illuminates the themes of your life – the Divine Virtues you as a soul wanted to cultivate and express in this lifetime.


Most people planned to deepen in two or three of the virtues in their current lifetime. Once you know which virtues you are working on, you will see new and very healing meaning in past challenges, and you will be able to learn the lessons offered by future challenges in a much more conscious manner. This expanded awareness will empower you and assist you in finding understanding and, ultimately, greater peace and joy in life.



2:00 – 4:00:  Saturday afternoon (2 hours)

Rob will lead a hypnotic induction intended to allow workshop participants to contact a “deceased” loved one. Most people are able to distinctly sense the unique energy of the loved one, and many people receive a specific message as well. After the regression participants will have the opportunity to share their experience with the group.



10:00 – 12:00/2:00 – 4:00:  Sunday morning and early afternoon (4 hours)

Rob will lead a group Between Lives Soul Regression (BLSR). In a BLSR you experience a past life that gives you insight into the plan for your current life. You then transition from the past life to the between-lives state – a safe, easy, and natural process – where you are greeted by one of your spirit guides. Your guide will then escort you to the Council of Elders, the wise, loving and highly evolved beings who oversee the cycle of reincarnation on Earth.

To hold your space:  Contact SpiritWay - Conscious Awakening Series - 970-763-5689

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Would you like to discover your life plan – a plan you yourself created before you were born?  Would you like to gain great insight into the spiritual meaning and purpose of the relationships and challenges in your life?

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